National Programs & Projects


Business Month

Iota’s capstone programs occur throughout the month of April. Activities focus on efforts to stimulate interest in business education and to recognize those who have made outstanding achievements in the field of business.

American Education Week

Members work in support of the National Education Association via its national theme to celebrate and embrace America’s public schools.

Correspondence Week

Iota’s program is designed to foster sisterhood throughout its membership.

Black History Month

Programs are designed to encourage youth and adults to understand the issues faced by African Americans, to share ideas and reactions, and to recognize African Americans who have had a significant impact on our nation and the world.

Founder’s Day

Celebrated annually on the first day of June throughout Iotaland.


Iota Tutorial Project

Members assist the educational system by providing remedial help for those with academic weaknesses and work to eradicate illiteracy.

Career Exploration

Programs are designed to help broaden youths’ awareness of career opportunities and to assist in preparing them for the world of work.

Toys “U” Can’t Return

A teen pregnancy prevention project designed to help educate communities about teen pregnancy and develop effective action agendas for preventing children from having children.

Iota Mother’s Assistance Program (IMAP)

A program designed to provide outreach services to meet the needs of teen and disadvantaged mothers.

Future Iota Leaders (FILs)

Future Iota Leaders are preteen and teenage girls and boys who are mentored by members of the Iota family. Programs provide socialization and development opportunities for youth leadership training and encourage them to realize their potentials to the fullest.

National Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded annually on the chapter, regional, and national levels.

Lola M. Parker Award - Outstanding Business Woman of the Year

Mahala S. Evans - Outstanding Soror of The Year